Why is Person-Centered Care Important for Dementia?

Dementia is a disease that extends far beyond memory loss. It's a relentless thief, gradually eroding a person's abilities, their grasp on the world, and ultimately, their very sense of who they are. Imagine the world growing confusing, familiar tasks becoming impossible, even loved ones seeming like strangers. This loss of self can be incredibly isolating and disorienting for those living with the disease.
At Lark View Care Home, nestled within the tranquil Kent countryside, we recognise that those within our care are far more than their diagnosis. Our approach goes beyond tending to physical needs, however important they may be. True exceptional care lies in honoring the unique personhood of each resident. Person-centered care becomes our beacon:
As dementia progresses, feelings of frustration and embarrassment are all too common. Person-centered care prioritises respect in every interaction. It means focusing on remaining abilities, not losses, and empowering residents to retain as much control over their lives as possible.
Dementia erodes decision-making abilities, yet self-determination remains crucial. Offering simple choices – what to wear, what activity to join – restores a sense of agency, reminding residents that their preferences still matter.
Person-centered care seeks to rekindle the spark that may have been dimmed by dementia. Uncovering past passions, connecting residents with others who share similar interests, and creating opportunities for joy are essential. This reignites a sense of purpose and fills each day with renewed meaning.

What is Person-Centered Care?
Person-centered care at Lark View extends beyond checklists and medical routines. It's about truly seeing each resident as the unique individual they are, shaped by a lifetime of experiences, passions, and relationships.
We recognise the significance of each resident's life before dementia. We diligently uncover their past careers, cherished hobbies, and the stories of their beloved family members. These details aren't merely facts in a file – they become the very foundation upon which we build individualised care plans.
At Lark View, we meet our residents where they are on any given day. We identify what brings them joy – a familiar tune, a beloved pet, or a quiet moment in a sunny room. With equal care, we pinpoint potential triggers for confusion or anxiety, proactively adjusting our environment and approach to maximise comfort and wellbeing. Flexibility is key, as a good day can shift unexpectedly, and our team is always prepared to adapt.
Even when verbal communication falters, residents retain powerful ways to express their emotions, needs, and preferences. Our staff is trained in the art of observation, recognising subtle smiles, worried expressions, or restless movements. We offer choices whenever possible, restoring a sense of control that dementia often undermines. Whether it's picking an outfit or choosing an activity, we empower residents to shape their own experiences and ensure their wishes are respected.

Why Does it Matter for Dementia Care?
Let's break down the powerful reasons why person-centered care makes such a difference in the lives of those with dementia.
Reduces Agitation and Distress: Imagine the world around you becoming increasingly confusing. Simple tasks feel impossible, and familiar places and faces seem strange. Dementia creates a world of uncertainty, which naturally leads to anxiety, agitation, or even outbursts.
Person-centered care aims to create a sense of safety and predictability. Routines, familiar objects, and caregivers who understand a resident's specific triggers can go a long way in minimising distress and creating a sense of calm.
Enhances Wellbeing: When someone living with dementia can no longer do the things they once enjoyed or feels a constant sense of failure, it takes a serious toll on their self-esteem and overall mood.
Person-centered care shifts the focus away from losses and on to what is still possible. Activities adapted to match a resident's remaining abilities, or tapping into their long-held passions, create moments of success and joy. This profoundly lifts their spirits and rekindles a sense of purpose.
Strengthens Relationships: At the heart of person-centered care lies connection. When our staff invest the time to get to know our residents – their likes, dislikes, and unique personalities – it builds genuine bonds of trust.
For someone with dementia, having caregivers who understand their individual needs and moods provides immense comfort and a sense of belonging. This combats the isolation and loneliness that often accompany the disease.
Respects Individuality: Dementia impacts everyone differently. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Person-centered care recognises that each resident is navigating their own unique journey. It means respecting their preferences, even if those preferences change from day to day.
It's about offering choices, however simple, to give them a voice in their own care. This ensures they are treated with dignity and feel their individual needs are truly being met.
The Lark View Difference
Our stunning Kent setting and the cozy, inviting atmosphere within our care home certainly contribute to a sense of peace and wellbeing. However, at Lark View, we understand that physical comfort is just the starting point. For our residents, genuine comfort arises from a deeper feeling of belonging, of being truly known and valued as individuals.
Dementia can lead to a sense of disconnection from the world, but we focus on fostering a vibrant, inclusive community. When residents have the chance to engage in activities based on their hobbies and passions, it sparks genuine connection with others who share those interests. These shared experiences provide a sense of purpose, combat the loneliness of dementia, and allow for rich friendships to blossom.
Our care experts aren't simply here to perform tasks – they're dedicated to building meaningful relationships with each resident. They take the time to listen, laugh, and truly get to know the individuals behind the diagnosis. This foundation of trust allows for care that is not only physically supportive, but emotionally attuned to each resident's unique needs. It creates a haven of warmth and acceptance, where residents feel safe, understood, and cared for with genuine empathy.
At Lark View, we carefully cultivate an environment where both the physical space and the human connections contribute to a sense of home. When residents can participate in engaging activities that resonate with their past, surrounded by compassionate caregivers who understand them, a powerful sense of belonging and true comfort takes root.

Commitment to Each Individual's Journey
Dementia is a complex and often isolating disease, but at Lark View Care Home, we are dedicated to ensuring no one faces it alone. Our compassionate and person-centered approach means seeing beyond the diagnosis and honoring the unique personhood of each resident. We prioritise understanding their life story, their current needs, and honoring their voice, even as those abilities shift. This deep understanding allows us to provide individualised care that promotes:
- Dignity and respect in the face of the challenges dementia brings.
- Opportunities for connection, joy, and a sense of purpose through activities and relationships tailored to individuals' interests and abilities.
- Empowerment and choice whenever possible, restoring a sense of control that is often lost with dementia.
Lark View Care Home is more than just a beautiful location and comfortable facilities. It's a place where those on the dementia journey are known, valued, and supported with the utmost compassion. Our unwavering commitment to person-centered care ensures that each resident's quality of life, sense of self, and inherent dignity are nurtured every step of the way.
Contact us today for a visit and experience the compassionate, personalised care that makes Lark View special.